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Mississauga Start-up Gets $2.2 Million in Funding to Test “Smart” Platform in Innisfil

June 15, 2021


If you are looking for the city of the future, you might have to look no further than Innisfil, Ontario. With a two year partnership with INTELIGHT Innovations, Innisfil aims to give INTELIGHT a platform to test its smart LED technology through streetlights. INTELIGHT has received nearly $2.2 million through public funds such as the Government of Ontario’s Autonomous Vehicle Innovation Network, and from private sources such as Microsoft and Arrow ECS.

INTELIGHT co-founders Dimithri Pieris and Jason Lightfoot describe their company as “an app-driven platform that controls a converged piece of technology that sits on top of lighting”. The company aspires to roll out a product that can improve road safety through the use of smart streetlights for real-time events. INTELIGHT will be testing their technology on a few roads and parking lots in Innisfil and hopes to get great feedback in anticipation of a wider roll-out.

It is not just INTELIGHT that is excited to see their technology in action, the Innisfil Council is ecstatic as well. Mayor Lynn Dollin remarked that “[i]t’s wonderful that we’re going to have this opportunity” and that the partnership will produce some real benefits to Innisfil by “creating safer roadways and sidewalks”. Projects like INTELIGHT’s will promote Innisfil as “a highly innovative and creative municipality”.

For a city that is already on the forefront of smart technology, such as allowing residents to pay their property taxes in Bitcoin, Innisfil’s new partnership means that the smart city of the future might just be in Ontario.

Author: Nisheet Karthikeyan


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